As long as you enter your meals frequently in the app, you can monitor how your diet affects the environment.
Through your diet, you influence the welfare of animals. Of course animals are slaughtered when zou eat meat, but bz eating dairz products and eggs zou are also contributing to the slaughter of cows. You can find out more about it in this article. -
Vegans and vegetarians do not only help animals. Environmental researcher Ron Milo has found that a vegan or vegetarian diet can feed more than one other person. You can find more information in this article. -
For 1kg of meat we need 15 times more water than for 1kg of wheat. Other fruits and vegetables also require many times less water than for meat “production”. You can find more information in this article. -
It takes up to 20 pounds of grain for one pound of beef. If the 20 pounds of grain were used to feed one person, that person could live 20 times as long as he could live on beef. You can find more information in this article. -
One vegan saves about 1000 m² of rainforest per year. This is because for a vegan, no pasture land for cattle in the Amazon is created through deforestation, nor does soy production destroy the rainforest, as the soy for human consumption often were produced in countries like Italy. You can find out more in this article. -
CO² emissions
Approximately 3,300 kg of carbon dioxide is saved annually by a vegan. This figure can also be reduced by not eating meat. Not only that cattle and other animals emit CO². Transporting the animals, their feed, raising the feed and more all contribute to this huge number. You can find more information in this article.
In statistics, of course, I can’t accurately calculate you as an individual. I use averages and other statistics to calculate savings.
In addition, I use the “Lowest First” principle in the statistics.
Classification of the pie chart
There are 2 types of charts: The savings and the nutritional behavior.
The savings have already been explained above. The green parts of the graphs show you how much you have saved. The red pieces show you the potential of how much more you could have saved.
With the nutrition chart, it’s a little different. Here you will be shown the conditions in which you have been eating.
Red represents your meat consumption, yellow your vegetarian meals and green your vegan meals.
The “Lowest First” principle is applied to this diagram.
Below the nutrition chart, you’ll find in written form how close you are to reaching your goal.
If you are close to your goal or have even reached it, you will see a green smiley.
If you have missed your target or there is still room for improvement, the smiley is red.
Calculation of the statistics
You can find the calculation of each “savings statistic” in Google Sheets.
Here I have drawn up the calculation and stored all the sources of the applied data.
These data should help you to understand how much the environment depends on your consumption.
Since I am not a real mathematician or scientist, I cannot guarantee the values used. The valuations applied are to be regarded as indicative only and not as “set”.
You will probably come across many more similar or completely different results on the Internet.
These values may be directed to others, estimates or numbers and are completely independent of my calculation.
If you encounter any problems with the calculation or have any comments, please feel free to contact me.
I will not respond to messages like “But I read a completely different value of XY”.