The profile

In the profile you can adjust some settings, if you are logged in.

If you have registered without login, you can log out and complete your registration.
If you already have an account, you can also log in.

You can access the profile either via the toolbar at the bottom of the app or via the navigation.

  • Login Name
    This is your username, which you need to log in to the app. You can also use your email as an alternative.
  • Target diet
    By clicking on this item you can change your target diet.
  • Consents
    Here you can manage your consents to the app. This includes tracking analytics data collected to improve the app and detect bugs, as well as your consent to serve personalized or anonymous ads.
  • Change password
    Enter your new password if you want to change it. I recommend changing the password once every six months. You can find the criteria for your secure password on the Register page.
  • Logout
    By clicking this button you will be logged out and redirected to the login page.