The scanner

With the scanner, you can scan the barcode of a product with your phone camera to see an accurate overview of the ingredients.
This will help determine if a product is compatible with your target diet.

  • Vegan lifestyle
    Through this diet form, the product will show you if the company is testing on animals if it is known.
  • Vegan diet
    In the product appears a note whether it is Vegan, Vegetarian or Omnivore (with meat).
  • Vegetarian diet
    In the product appears a note whether it is Vegan, Vegetarian or Omnivore (with meat).
  • Less meat
    In the product appears a note whether it is Vegan, Vegetarian or Omnivore (with meat).

There are 2 ways to operate the scanner:

  • Smartphone camera
    The app will ask you for permission to use your camera. If you decline, this function will not be available.
  • Manual input
    If you deny the app permission to control the camera, you can also enter the barcodes directly into the field. You can also use this if the barcode cannot be scanned.